


Microblading is the ideal method to cover or camouflage scars, stretch-marks, and gaps; define shapes; create eye-brow arches; and create fill-in for the eyebrows. This method allows for the cosmetic construction of natural looking eyebrows for those with little or no brow hairs. Microblading offers a more superficial method when compared to tattooing, impacting color closer to the top skin surface.   All strokes appear crisp and extremely fine.  The results last for about one year.  Service is available for both men and women.

To insure best results: First, be sure your health is in good condition.

Prior to your appointment, be sure to get rest, proper nutrition, exercise.

• 72 hours prior and 72 hours after your sculpting Microblading appointment, avoid all alcohol consumption and avoid taking any aspirin/ibuprofen.

• One week prior to your procedure, you MUST stop taking the following supplements: Vitamin E; B6; Omega 3; Gingko Biloba and  St. John’s Wort because these contribute to thinning of the blood and may affect anesthetic efficacy. You may resume use of these vitamins/supplements 72 hours after your procedure.

• On the day of your scheduled procedure,  avoid caffeine and exercise. Wash your hair because you will need to avoid the shower for several days. Baths will be recommended.

•During micro-stroking,  pigments are not implanted as deep into the skin when compared to traditional tattoo or micropigmentation using an electric, permanent make-up device.  This allows for healed results of very fine, thin and crisp hair lines.  But, the results are not as long-lasting as the more traditional methods.

• A color boost is usually required between 18-24 months after the procedure.

• Touch-up may be required for those: with oily skin; who tan frequently; who expose brow area to certain chemicals (facial peels, chlorine, anti-aging products, etc. Pigment retention varies depending on skin type, age, aftercare, immune system, after care, medications, certain chemicals, and type of pigment used.

• Only the best quality pigments are used and heal “true-to-color”.  All materials used (including pre-sterilized blades) are 100% disposable.  HD Esthetique adheres to Florida Public Health and OSHA guidelines for proper infection control practices.  All materials used during each and every appointment (including pre-sterilized blades) are 100% disposable. We strictly adhere to both Florida Public Health and OSHA guidelines for proper infection control practices.


• you are pregnant or nursing;
• you have andy history of Keloids or Hypertrophic scarring;
• you are diabetic ( you would require doctor’s medical clearance before procedure);
• you are receiving Chemotherapy drugs (consult your doctor);
• you have a viral infections and/or diseases;
• you have epilepsy;
• you use a Pacemaker or have any major heart problems;
• you have received an organ transplant;
• you suffer from skin irritations or psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.);
• you are sick with a cold, flu;
• you have had a Botox injections during the previous 2 months;
• you take or have taken Accutane in the past year;
• you suffer from any heart conditions, uncontrolled High Blood Pressure or Poor general health.

If you are receiving any medical treatment(s), taking any medications, or suffer any illness that compromises the immune system, you are NOT a candidate for micropigmentation procedures.


Microblading is a two-step process consisting of the initial procedure and a follow-up procedure completed approximately 4 to 8 weeks later.  Redness and swelling usually dissipate within an hour after the treatment and no permanent scarring occurs.

During the healing process, you will first notice your brows appear dark and well-defined.  About 7 to 10 days later, the color will fade slightly and the definition will soften.  You will experience no down time so there is no need to take any time off from work.

For the 48 hours after the procedure, you will be instructed to: keep the area dry (do NOT wet the affected area at all); and refrain from scratching, picking or scrubbing the area.

Brow shape, shade, and color may change.  A 2nd or 3rd session may be required for completion depending on skin condition. Result may take  5-10 weeks. Your patience will be strongly recommended.