Breast Augmentation2018-10-25T14:05:07-04:00

Breast Augmentation


Breast augmentation is an augmentation mammoplasty procedure, sometimes referred to as “breast aug” or “boob-job”.  Breast augmentation involves using breast implants or fat to increase the size of your breasts; restore breast volume after weight-loss or pregnancy; sculpt the breasts to achieve a more rounded shape; or improve natural breast asymmetry.  When fat is used for volume, the procedure is referred to as fat transfer breast augmentation.

Breast augmentation can:

• Increase fullness and projection of your breasts;
• Improve balance of breast and hip contours;
• Enhance your self-image and self-confidence.

Breast implants may also be used for breast reconstruction after mastectomy or injury.


A breast augmentation is a deeply personal procedure. It is important that you are doing it for yourself and not for someone else, even if someone else has offered to pay for the procedure.  Patient satisfaction is highest when the patient wants the procedure for themselves.

Breast augmentation candidates:

• are physically healthy;

• have realistic expectations;

• have fully developed breasts;

• are NOT pregnant or breast-feeding;

• have asymmetrical breasts;

• have one breast (or both) that failed to develop normally or have elongated shape;

• are unhappy with the upper portion of the breast(s) appearing empty;

• are bothered by the feeling that the breasts are too small;

*are dissatisfied with the breast(s) losing shape and/or volume after pregnancy or weight loss or because of aging.


While breast augmentation yields larger breasts immediately, visible results may take a few weeks as the swelling subsides and the skin stretches.  Some patients may need to wear a bandeau to help shape the breasts especially if they have underlying asymmetry or begin with very small breasts.  Incision lines may take several months to fade.

Types of breast Augmentation

Saline, Silicone, Gummy Bear, and Fat Transfer